Acres of Bamboo

Acres of Bamboo

August 8, 2022 0




57 pages, published 2022.

Daphne Lewis has been involved in growing bamboo since 1986. She moved to Georgia in 2010 to add bamboo to American agriculture.

“Acres of Bamboo” summarizes what she has learned since planting her research farm in 2014. Her bamboo farm is featured on the cover. The book has three sections. The first section discusses bamboo on a residential scale. The second section discusses planting and growing bamboo on a small farm scale including how to choose a site and how to design the planting. The Third section describes three conflicting experiences with growing bamboo on acreage. These differing experiences lead to opposite conclusions on how to farm bamboo. (1) Bamboo will grow great left alone. (2) It will grow to maturity when left alone but will need labor to change it to a working grove; (3) Bamboo needs maintenance and care from beginning to end like most crops.